DUPLO DSC 10/60i Intelligens (vákuumos) összehordó
Previous Next DUPLO DSC-10/60i Inteligens vákumos A DSC-10/60i minden tálcáján automata érzékelők figyelik a duplaív-behúzást,…
A Duplo DM Mini Collation System kibővíti a Duplo Esper DM-230V PRO direkt marketing kollázstömörítő gép termelékenységét és automatizált folyamatát. A rendszer lehetővé teszi a vállalkozások számára, hogy gyorsan és megbízhatóan gyűjtsék össze a különböző reklámlevelek és brosúrák széles skáláját egy körbefutó borítóban, készen a címzés nélküli postai küldeményként/ajtón történő terjesztésre. Ideális postai szolgáltatók, magán terjesztő cégek, postázó és teljesítő cégek számára, a kézi összevonás alternatívájaként, vagy a nagyobb automatizált rendszerek bővítéseként, a dokumentumformátumok szélesebb körének kezelésével és nagyobb rövidtávú termelékenységgel.
Fast Job Changeover & Turnaround
The DM Mini Collation System is ideal for both short and long runs. Document loading and changeover in each bin is fast & simple, with new jobs being ready to run in just a matter of minutes. Operating at speeds of up to 9,000 sets/hr, the DM Mini Collation System is designed for the fast production turnaround required in unaddressed mail campaigns. Productivity is further enhanced by a ‘Load-on-the-Run’ facility – meaning no reloading downtime. The ‘Cascade Function’ can be programmed to handle large volumes of a few inserts as well as thicker folded documents, so that productivity is maintained. This is achieved by the next bin feeding as soon as the previous bin empties.
Flexible Automatic Set-up & Simple Operation
The complete system is run from one central location, and the display immediately flags up any error by giving its location and the cause. An intuitive PC Controller, with large icons and graphics, automatically sets up the Stacker Unit without the use of any tools, and has outstanding usability, so that anyone can operate and manage the system from day one.
Intelligent Detection System & Open Architecture
Continuous uninterrupted production & 100% set integrity can be achieved by automatically detecting and diverting any incorrect sets into the built-in reject tray in the line, located after the Esper DM Collator. The system’s open architecture enables easy jam clearance, and provides the operator with full control of the complete production process. Furthermore, each bin can be completely removed for ease of cleaning.
Continuous Stacking & Labeling
The Stacker Unit can be programmed to deliver batches from 5-50 sets in multiples of five, and has been specially designed to ensure that the Esper DM Collator continually feeds collated sets without any pause or gaps in production. Each completed set (with or without a wraparound cover) enters the Stacker Unit, and fine alignment rear and side jogging delivers uniformly neat stacks into the Turn Unit, which redirects the stacks (either to the left or right) onto an 80cm high roller conveyor table, ready for further processing. Preprinted stack labels can be fed from a selected bin. This enables additional nonDuplo banding units to be connected on-line, so that the completed stacks of collated sets can be automatically banded and delivered back to the operator without any manual intervention, ready for distribution.
Easy set handling, instant visibility & environmentally friendly
By using the wraparound cover station, sets are loosely held together and clearly separated for ease of distribution. The wraparound can be one of the documents to be distributed; or a pre-printed sheet, which allows for extra branding recognition and/or advertising. This eliminates the need to use any form of plastic wrapping of each set, and allows all the documents in the set to be instantly seen by the recipient. The wraparound cover station is fitted with ultrasonic double detection, so that personalised documents or invoices can be fed error-free.
Duplo E-Tandem Software
There is also the option to improve performance and workflow by adding Duplo’s unique E-Tandem software packages: Job Optimisation, Job Reporting and Technical E-Diagnostics. Job Optimisation software recalculates the order in which each job should be run, in order to minimize job changeover downtime. Job Reporting dashboards can be easily built, which access real time data to provide management with hourly productivity reports and downtime analysis vs targets. E-Diagnostics software provides feedback on the system’s technical performance, highlighting issues which can be resolved before they become critical.
Quick Job Recall
Using Duplo’s Job File Transfer software, job data can be automatically downloaded, stored and recalled from memory
Previous Next DUPLO DSC-10/60i Inteligens vákumos A DSC-10/60i minden tálcáján automata érzékelők figyelik a duplaív-behúzást,…
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DUPLO DM Mini Collator System A Duplo DM Mini Collation System kibővíti a Duplo Esper…
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